Brandstwiete 1
20457 Hamburg

Andreas Herold
Phone: +49 40 36137-258
Fax: +49 40 36137-204
International regulations facilitate the safe transport of cargoes
Seagoing ships transport a wide variety of cargoes. Bulk carriers have next to tankers the largest share in the transport volume of global trade. These ships carry coal, ore, but also food and animal feed such as grain, in bulk. Such solid bulk cargoes can easily shift in a seaway impairing the ship’s stability.
Also the transport of chemicals and dangerous goods – in bulk and in packaged form – poses multiple environmental and safety threats. According to various studies 10 to 25 per cent of all containers are used to carry dangerous goods. A special challenge is also the simultaneous transport of lorries carrying dangerous goods and of passengers by RoRo ships.
The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has developed regulations to minimize the risks of the transport of chemicals and dangerous goods. Detailed requirements on the design and construction, equipment and loading of ships are vital for safe transport of cargoes.