
The BSH charges fees for the issuance of certificates for seafarers. You receive the respective notification of fees with the other documentation (notification, certificates). Only after you have received the notification of fees is the payment due. You can transfer these fees or have them debited from your account by direct debit. If you wish to authorize the BSH to collect the fees, please use the "SEPA-Lastschriftmandat " form (in German only). This will allow fees to be collected by direct debit throughout Europe.

Please complete this form in full and attach the original to your application to the BSH. We will forward the form to the Federal Treasury (Bundeskasse). You do not need to enter a mandate reference number; it will be entered by the payee.

Companies that pay the fee for their employees and wish to use the "SEPA-Lastschriftmandat" must sign the mandate for each employee individually and attach the original to the application.

The fees are in accordance with the "BSH-Gebührenverordnung" (BSHGebV – BSH fees ordinance):

Lfd. No.

Fee item

Fee in Euro



Issuance, replacement of (per certificate / notice):


Certificates of competency, certificates of proficiency and radio operator's certificates including an extension of validity

50 € 1

Endorsements of recognition and certificates of equivalence

100 € 2

Approvals according to Article VIII STCW Convention

145 €

Approvals of a deviation from the prescribed training courses

50 €

Lfd. Nr.

Fee item

Gebühr in Euro


Simplified examinations maritime radio (each attempt)

40 €


Issuance, replacement of a Seafarer's Card

25 €


1 Fee reduction:

The fee of €50 can be reduced to €25 if you submit several applications at the same time with all documents included. Only then can the BSH issue several certificates for you at the same time and grant the reduction.

Please check whether you can submit multiple applications at the same time. This is often the case after graduating, for certificates of competency in the next higher rank (chief mate, master, second engineer officer, chief engineer officer) and for extensions of validity.

For each area to be recognized (navigational, maritime radio, engineering, service on tankers), an endorsement of recognition or a certificate of equivalence is issued and then the fee is due.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact staff.